Estonian Samoyed Specialty Dog Show

Time and place: 01.06.2024, Anija manor, Harju County

Organizer: Estonian Samoyed Breed Association

Updated: downloadable photo gallery of the show.


09:00 Entry to the showground begins

10:00 Start of judging

  • Kutsikad / Puppies – 1
  • Parim kutsikas / Best puppy
  • Isased (juunior-, noorte-, ava-, tšempion-, veteranklass) / Dogs (junior, intermediate, open, champion, veteran class) – 19
  • Parima isase valimine / Best male selection
  • Emased (juunior-, noorte-, ava-, tšempion-, veteranklass) / Bitches (junior, intermediate, open, champion, veteran class)  – 18
  • Parima emase valimine / Best female selection
  • Parima liikuja valimine / Selecting the Best Mover
  • Parima ilme valimine / Selecting the Best Expression
  • Tõu parim veteran / Best of breed Veteran
  • Vanim veteran / The Oldest Veteran
  • Tõu parim juunior / Best of Breed Junior
  • Tõu parim/ Best of Breed

Download the catalog from here: ESTÜ kataloog 2024

REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPANTS: All dogs must be vaccinated against rabies (vaccinated at least 12 weeks of age; vaccination is valid for up to 2 years, based on the rules for using the vaccine) and canine distemper, parvovirus and infectious hepatitis (vaccinated at least twice, vaccination based on the instructions for using the vaccine). The first vaccination must have taken place at least 30 days before the exhibition. The same applies if the revaccination deadline has passed. All dogs must be tagged (ID tattoo or microchip).  Additional information:, or +372 522 5669 (Margit Oja)

Estonian Samoyed Specialty Show 2024

Date and location: June 1st, 2024, Harjumaa county, Estonia

Organizers: Estonian Samoyed Association

Judge: Emilia Mudra (kennel Xsara`s Hope, Slovakia)                     

 NB! The show committee reserves the right to change judges if necessary.


The show is registered in the Estonian Kennel Union’s show calendar.

Competition classes:

Baby class: dogs 4-6 months old. Best of Breed Baby will be chosen.

Puppy class: dogs 6-9 months old. Best of Breed Puppy will be chosen.

Junior class: dogs 9-18 months old. Will compete for JUN CAC, title of Best of Breed Junior and Best of Breed.

Intermediate class: dogs 15-24 months. Will compete for CAC and Best of Breed.

Open class: dogs over 15 months. Will compete for CAC and Best of Breed.

Working class: dogs over 15 months. Will compete for CAC and Best of Breed.

Champion class: dogs over 15 months. Will compete for CAC and Best of Breed.

Veteran class: dogs over 8 years. Will compete for VET CAC, title of Best of Breed Veteran and Best of Breed.

Breeder class: 3-5 dogs of the same breed from one breeder. Dogs must come from at least two different combinations of stud-male and female and be over 9 months of age. All the dogs in the class must have received at least ‘very good’ at the given show in quality judging. The Best Breeder’s Class is selected.

Progeny class: 3-5 offspring of a single stud male or female. The offspring must come from at least two different combinations of stud-male and female, be over 9 months of age and must have received at least ‘very good’ at the given show in quality judging. The Best Progeny Class of the Breed is selected.

Brace competition: two dogs, male and female, from the same breed belonging to the same owner, presented by one handler. Both dogs must be over 9 months old. Both dogs must have been entered to the show and must have received a minimum grade of “very good”.

Additional competitions for the best expression and the best mover (contestants will be chosen by the judge during judging).

Entry Dates and fees 

Registration fees 25.01.2024-30.04.2024 01.05.2024 -17.05.2024
Baby, puppy or veteran belonging to a member of ESTÜ 20 EUR 30 EUR
Dog belonging to a member of ESTÜ 30 EUR 40 EUR
Baby, puppy or veteran belonging to a nonmember of ESTÜ 30 EUR 40 EUR
Dog belonging to a nonmember of ESTÜ 40 EUR 50 EUR
Brace, breeder and progeny class 10 EUR 10 EUR
Veterans over 10 years old Free Free

NB! Competing in Brace, Breeder and Progeny classes requires registration. There is no automatic registration in these competition classes.

The age of the dog is set on the day of the show i.e. the day the dog participates in the show.

NB! The sender must cover all the expenses connected with the payments.

Please attach a copy of the registration certificate, copies of the championship diplomas and/or working trial certificate (except for dogs in the Finnish and Estonian registries) as well as a copy of the receipt to the entry form. UNLESS THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROVIDED THE DOG WILL NOT BE REGISTERED.

Registration: by mail: ESA Samoyed Specialty Show, Kase 1 Nõo 61601, Tartumaa

                      by e-mail:

Registration fees by wire transfer to:

                SEB bank

                IBAN: EE59 1010 2200 6070 0013

                BIC: EEUHEE2X

                Eesti Samojeedide Tõuühing MTÜ

 Requirements for participants: All dogs must be vaccinated against rabies (at the most 3 months of age) and plague of dogs (at least two times).  Recurrent vaccinations must be performed as per instructions of the vaccine but no more than 24 months apart. All dogs must be identifiable by tattoo or ID-chip.

For more information, write to


Estonian Samoyed Specialty Dog Show 2022

The Estonian Samoyed Breed Association would like to cordially invite you to


June 4th, 2022, Luige,  Harjumaa

Judge: Maria Weafer, Ireland

We would like to thank everybody who came to the show and especially judge Mrs. Maria Weafer who stepped in at the last minute to help us out! We hope to see you again next time and until then, you are welcome to download and share the photos of the show by photographer Siim Kinnas (

Photo gallery (download allowed for personal use): CLICK HERE